
Report into Australia's Maritime Petroleum Supply Chain



In 2013, Hale and Twomey was engaged by the Federal Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism (DRET) to examine and report on the maritime supply chain and the key role it plays in Australia's petroleum supply chain. The report considers how the maritime supply chain operates for Australia and…
Catalyst fact sheet



In 2008, the Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism (DRET), on behalf of NOSEC, undertook a Liquid Fuel Emergency Simulation Exercise – 'Catalyst 2008'. The aim of 'Catalyst 2008' was to test the emergency preparedness of the Commonwealth State and Territory Governments and industry to manage…



The Federal Government has introduced regulation of the quality of petrol and diesel fuel in Australia. The principal drivers of the fuel quality regulation are environmental. The adoption of emerging vehicle engine and emission control technologies is a key strategy in the management of ambient…
Downstream Petroleum 2013



AIP produces an industry report – 'Downstream Petroleum' – which provides a concise overview of downstream petroleum refining and marketing in Australia. The report, compiled every two years, covers the financial performance of the industry and the future challenges it faces.
Downstream Petroleum 2011



AIP produces an industry report – 'Downstream Petroleum' – which provides a concise overview of downstream petroleum refining and marketing in Australia. The report, compiled every two years, covers the financial performance of the industry and the future challenges it faces.
Petroleum Import Infrastructure in Australia



ACIL Tasman, on behalf of the Federal Department of Resources, Energy & Tourism, has completed a comprehensive Audit of terminals suitable for importing petroleum products into Australia. The findings of the Audit are outlined in ACIL's Tasman's report - 'Petroleum Import Infrastructure in…
Petroleum Infrastructure in Australia , Petroleum Import Infrastructure in Australia Main Report



ACIL Tasman, on behalf of the Federal Department of Resources, Energy & Tourism, has completed a comprehensive Audit of terminals suitable for importing petroleum products into Australia. The findings of the Audit are outlined in ACIL's Tasman's report - 'Petroleum Import Infrastructure in…
Oil Code Review Report



Downstream Petroleum 2009



AIP produces an industry report – 'Downstream Petroleum' – which provides a concise overview of downstream petroleum refining and marketing in Australia. The report, compiled every two years, covers the financial performance of the industry and the future challenges it faces.
AIP Response to CPRS Green Paper



The AIP submission sets out the downstream petroleum industry views on the impacts of the proposed CPRS on the trade exposed Australian refining industry and options to ameliorate those impacts. In addition the submission outlines industry views on the proposed point of acquittal arrangements for…