


Petroleum is a complex mixture of organic liquids called crude oil and natural gas, which occurs naturally in the ground and was formed millions of years ago. Crude oil varies from oilfield to oilfield in colour and composition, from a pale yellow low viscosity liquid to heavy black 'treacle'…



The Federal Government has introduced regulation of the quality of petrol and diesel fuel in Australia. The principal drivers of the fuel quality regulation are environmental. The adoption of emerging vehicle engine and emission control technologies is a key strategy in the management of ambient…
Coastal shipping reform



The Executive Director of the Australian Institute of Petroleum (AlP), Dr John Tilley, welcomed comments made by Deputy Prime Minister Warren Truss that the Australian Government is looking to amend restrictive coastal trading laws and to reduce red tape associated with the coastal trading…
Petroleum Infrastructure in Australia , Petroleum Import Infrastructure in Australia Main Report



ACIL Tasman, on behalf of the Federal Department of Resources, Energy & Tourism, has completed a comprehensive Audit of terminals suitable for importing petroleum products into Australia. The findings of the Audit are outlined in ACIL's Tasman's report - 'Petroleum Import Infrastructure in…



The Australian Institute of Petroleum (AIP) welcomes the release of the Federal Government's Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme (CPRS) White Paper which addresses many of the issues raised by industry concerning the overall detailed design of the CPRS. In particular, the White Paper reflects a more…



The Executive Director of AIP, Dr John Tilley said "the release of the report by the Prime Minister's Emissions Trading Task Group provides a considered basis for the Australian community to increase its efforts to respond to the climate change challenge. This report outlines a clear set of…
Coastal shipping reform will improve the competitiveness of Australian oil refining



19 September 2014 Coastal shipping reform will improve the competitiveness of Australian oil refining The Executive Director of the Australian Institute of Petroleum (AlP), Dr John Tilley, welcomed comments made by Deputy Prime Minister Warren Truss that the Australian Government is looking…



The Australian Institute of Petroleum today welcomed delegates to Spillcon 2004, the premier Marine Oil Spill Response conference in the Southern Hemisphere. The conference is sponsored by the Australian Marine Oil Spill Centre (AMOSC) and the Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA). In…



The Australian Institute of Petroleum (AIP) said today that new quality standards for petrol and diesel, announced by the Minister for the Environment and Heritage, Senator the Hon Ian Campbell, will improve urban air quality. AIP Executive Director, Dr John Tilley said, "AIP members support the…



AIP members welcome the Australian Government's Energy Statement as a sound basis for the downstream petroleum industry to address its future challenges. Recognition of the national contribution of the industry and the need for a long term, stable policy framework as an essential element of a…