
Petroleum Infrastructure in Australia , Petroleum Import Infrastructure in Australia Main Report



ACIL Tasman, on behalf of the Federal Department of Resources, Energy & Tourism, has completed a comprehensive Audit of terminals suitable for importing petroleum products into Australia. The findings of the Audit are outlined in ACIL's Tasman's report - 'Petroleum Import Infrastructure in…
AIP Submission - SSC Fuel and Energy Inquiry



Through submissions to review processes, AIP aims to inform the community about the downstream petroleum industry, and its significance to the national economy, by making available comprehensive factual information and data about the industry and its performance over time. AIP material also…
AIP Response to CPRS Green Paper



Through submissions to review processes, AIP aims to inform the community about the downstream petroleum industry, and its significance to the national economy, by making available comprehensive factual information and data about the industry and its performance over time. AIP material also…
AIP Submission 1 - Review of Trade Practices Regulations 2006 , AIP Submission 2 - Review of Trade Practices Regulations 2006



Through submissions to review processes, AIP aims to inform the community about the downstream petroleum industry, and its significance to the national economy, by making available comprehensive factual information and data about the industry and its performance over time. AIP material also…
Automotive Industry Review



Through submissions to review processes, AIP aims to inform the community about the downstream petroleum industry, and its significance to the national economy, by making available comprehensive factual information and data about the industry and its performance over time. AIP material also…
AIP Submission to the Garnaut Climate Change Review



AIP and its member companies actively participate in public consultation processes on climate change. For example, AIP and its member companies are participating in the process of public consultation on national climate change policy development, including on the range of issues associated with…



The Australian Institute of Petroleum (AIP) advises that AIP member companies will cooperate with the Government's proposed implementation of a National FuelWatch Scheme. AIP Executive Director, Dr John Tilley, said today, "the key industry objective will be to help ensure that a truly…
Submission to the Garnaut Inquiry - Emissions Trading Scheme Design



Through submissions to review processes, AIP aims to inform the community about the downstream petroleum industry, and its significance to the national economy, by making available comprehensive factual information and data about the industry and its performance over time. AIP material also…



AIP and its member companies welcome the very encouraging results of the industry's 13th 'Health Watch' Report released today. "The Study clearly shows that petroleum industry employees have better health than the general Australian community and are less likely to die from cancer and…
Submission to Senate Economics Cttee - LFE Review



Through submissions to review processes, AIP aims to inform the community about the downstream petroleum industry, and its significance to the national economy, by making available comprehensive factual information and data about the industry and its performance over time. AIP material also…