


Transport fuel imports do not increase risk for supply reliability and security A diversity of global supply sources and local import facilities provide a range of options for Australia. Australia is already dependent on imports to meet the growth in demand for transport fuels (eg. demand…



Petroleum is a complex mixture of organic liquids called crude oil and natural gas, which occurs naturally in the ground and was formed millions of years ago. Crude oil varies from oilfield to oilfield in colour and composition, from a pale yellow low viscosity liquid to heavy black 'treacle'…



The Federal Government has introduced regulation of the quality of petrol and diesel fuel in Australia. The principal drivers of the fuel quality regulation are environmental. The adoption of emerging vehicle engine and emission control technologies is a key strategy in the management of ambient…
Coastal shipping reform



The Executive Director of the Australian Institute of Petroleum (AlP), Dr John Tilley, welcomed comments made by Deputy Prime Minister Warren Truss that the Australian Government is looking to amend restrictive coastal trading laws and to reduce red tape associated with the coastal trading…
Petroleum Infrastructure in Australia , Petroleum Import Infrastructure in Australia Main Report



ACIL Tasman, on behalf of the Federal Department of Resources, Energy & Tourism, has completed a comprehensive Audit of terminals suitable for importing petroleum products into Australia. The findings of the Audit are outlined in ACIL's Tasman's report - 'Petroleum Import Infrastructure in…



Dr John Tilley, Executive Director of the Australian Institute of Petroleum, told the 2005 International Ethanol Conference in Brisbane today that AIP members see a role for ethanol as a fuel extender, replacing some fuel imports and helping to meet the growth in overall fuel demand, as well as a…
Coastal shipping reform will improve the competitiveness of Australian oil refining



19 September 2014 Coastal shipping reform will improve the competitiveness of Australian oil refining The Executive Director of the Australian Institute of Petroleum (AlP), Dr John Tilley, welcomed comments made by Deputy Prime Minister Warren Truss that the Australian Government is looking…



Three of Australia's peak automotive industry and consumer bodies have urged the federal government to support a maximum limit of10 percent of ethanol in petrol and not to mandate its use. The landmark determination by the three bodies sets a clear agenda for government deliberations. The…



The oil industry today supported the announcement by the Federal Minister for the Environment Robert Hill that leaded petrol would be phased out nationally by 1 January 2002. 'The oil companies will be introducing lead replacement petrol progressively in each State, in consultation with State…