
Facts About Petrol Prices



The price of petrol in Australia is dependent on world market prices Crude oil, petrol and diesel are bought and sold in their own markets. Each market is regionally based and there are linkages and transactions between regional markets. Prices in regional markets reflect the supply and…
Diesel Fuel and Back-up Generation Issue



Fuels Reports


This paper has been developed by the Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism in consultation with NOSEC, the Energy Infrastructure Assurance Advisory Group (EIAAG) and AIP. The paper provides information and general advice on the issues organisations should be aware of to ensure that back-up…
Supply Reliability



AIP has produced a new publication – Maintaining Supply Security and Reliability for Liquid Fuels in Australia – which provides a factual overview of the liquid fuels market and supply chain in Australia. It also details the key factors influencing the secure and reliable supply of liquid fuels to…



The NOSEC is a committee of the Ministerial Council on Energy (MCE) and provides the main executive channel through which Commonwealth and State Governments formulate their overall management response to a national liquid fuel emergency. The task of the NOSEC is to ensure that the Federal…



Australia has robust emergency response plans and arrangements Industry and governments fully recognise the potential impacts of a severe national shortage of fuel supplies to business and consumers. Australia has robust response plans for managing a national liquid fuel emergency, which…



All fuel users need to analyse and understand their own fuel use and to consider how best to manage the potential impacts of reduced fuel supply Many larger fuel users only hold limited stocks on the expectation that stocks will be held by fuel suppliers, or indeed governments will intervene…



AIP has produced a set of basic facts on biofuels in Australia to inform consumers, commentators and other interested parties. AIP has consistently stated that there is a sustainable role for biofuels in the Australian fuels market provided biofuels are competitively priced, have a reliable supply…
Submission to Victorian Parliament Inquiry into Fuel Prices in Regional Victoria



Through submissions to review processes, AIP aims to inform the community about the downstream petroleum industry, and its significance to the national economy, by making available comprehensive factual information and data about the industry and its performance over time. AIP material also…



Australia’s import, terminal and storage capacity for transport fuel has increased over time to meet growth in fuel demand There has been significant investment in new and expanded storage and terminal facilities over recent years to meet demand growth in key regional centres, as evidenced in…
Energy White Paper



On 8 November 2012, the Australian Government released the 'Energy White Paper - Australia's Energy Transformation'. The 2012 Energy White Paper sets out the Australian Government's strategic policy framework to guide Australia's energy transformation to a cleaner and more productive energy economy…