


Self-sufficiency in transport fuels is not necessary for supply security Security of supply is the result of resilient and efficient supply chains and robust risk management – it is not about self-sufficiency or independence from markets. There are 3 critical elements of any strategy to…
Oil Supply Emergencies and the IEA Response System



The International Energy Agency (IEA) is the energy forum for 28 industrialised countries, founded in 1974 (see IEA member country governments are committed to taking joint measures to meet oil supply emergencies. They also have agreed to share energy information,…



AIP member companies provide very reliable supplies of fuel to the Australian market and: represent around 90% of primary fuel supply to the Australian market,  have decades of operational experience in Australia and Asia delivering high quality fuel to customers,  have major…
Liquid fuels vulnerability assessment , Liquid fuels vulnerability assessment



In 2009 and 2011, ACIL Tasman was engaged by the Federal Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism (DRET) to examine Australia's current level of liquid fuel vulnerability and significant trends which may affect this over the short, medium and longer term. The Liquid Fuel Vulnerability…
National Energy Security Assessment , National Energy Security Assessment



The NESA identifies the current strategic energy security issues in the liquid fuels, natural gas and electricity sectors, and those posing a potential risk in short term, medium term and longer term. The Government has indicated that the NESA will provide a key input into the development of future…



The Federal Government has introduced regulation of the quality of petrol and diesel fuel in Australia. The principal drivers of the fuel quality regulation are environmental. The adoption of emerging vehicle engine and emission control technologies is a key strategy in the management of ambient…
Better Fuels Submission



Through submissions to review processes, AIP aims to inform the community about the downstream petroleum industry, and its significance to the national economy, by making available comprehensive factual information and data about the industry and its performance over time. AIP material also…
Submission on the NSW Biofuels Regulatory Impact Statement



Through submissions to review processes, AIP aims to inform the community about the downstream petroleum industry, and its significance to the national economy, by making available comprehensive factual information and data about the industry and its performance over time. AIP material also…
Submission to the Queensland Parliament Utilities, Science and Innovation Committee on the Liquid Fuel Supply (Ethanol and other Biofuels Mandate) Amendment Bill 2015



Through submissions to review processes, AIP aims to inform the community about the downstream petroleum industry, and its significance to the national economy, by making available comprehensive factual information and data about the industry and its performance over time. AIP material also…
The colour of australian unleaded petrol is changing



The Australian Institute of Petroleum (AIP) in conjunction with petrol manufacturing and importing member companies have decided to remove dye from unleaded petrol and E10 (regular unleaded petrol with 10% ethanol added). This change will not have any impact on the fuel’s performance or on…