
Report into Australia's Maritime Petroleum Supply Chain



In 2013, Hale and Twomey was engaged by the Federal Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism (DRET) to examine and report on the maritime supply chain and the key role it plays in Australia's petroleum supply chain. The report considers how the maritime supply chain operates for Australia and…



Australia’s import, terminal and storage capacity for transport fuel has increased over time to meet growth in fuel demand There has been significant investment in new and expanded storage and terminal facilities over recent years to meet demand growth in key regional centres, as evidenced in…



All fuel users need to analyse and understand their own fuel use and to consider how best to manage the potential impacts of reduced fuel supply Many larger fuel users only hold limited stocks on the expectation that stocks will be held by fuel suppliers, or indeed governments will intervene…



Australia has robust emergency response plans and arrangements Industry and governments fully recognise the potential impacts of a severe national shortage of fuel supplies to business and consumers. Australia has robust response plans for managing a national liquid fuel emergency, which…



Subsidising domestic alternative fuel production is not necessary for energy security The reliable supply of conventional transport fuels (petrol, diesel and jet fuel) to the Australian market is underpinned by a diversity of supply options for petroleum products from domestic refiners and…



AIP and its member companies welcome the very encouraging results of the industry's 14th Health Watch Report released today by Monash University. Overall, the Study clearly shows that petroleum industry employees have better health than the general Australian community and are less…



2 December 2013 AIP and its member companies welcome the very encouraging results of the industry's 14th Health Watch Report released today by Monash University. Overall, the Study clearly shows that petroleum industry employees have better health than the general Australian community and are…
Petroleum Infrastructure in Australia , Petroleum Import Infrastructure in Australia Main Report



ACIL Tasman, on behalf of the Federal Department of Resources, Energy & Tourism, has completed a comprehensive Audit of terminals suitable for importing petroleum products into Australia. The findings of the Audit are outlined in ACIL's Tasman's report - 'Petroleum Import Infrastructure in…



THE HEALTH WATCH STUDY Since 1980, the Australian Institute of Petroleum (AIP) has commissioned the development and operation of an independent epidemiology program called Health Watch. Health Watch is a research program which studies people who have worked in the Australian petroleum (oil…



The petroleum industry today welcomed new legislation providing for the safety needs of large-scale hazardous facilities such as refineries, factories and storage places in Queensland. "The Dangerous Goods Safety Management Act 2001 passed by Parliament today is progressive legislation…