



A full list of AIP media releases. , MEDIA RELEASES 2023 A Good Health Report Card for the Australian Petroleum Industry MEDIA RELEASES 2021 The Colour of Australian Unleaded Petrol Grades is Evolving: AIP Technical Market Update MEDIA…
Downstream Petroleum



AIP produces a publication "Downstream Petroleum" on the state of the Australian downstream petroleum industry and its financial performance. The report provides a concise overview of recent developments in petroleum refining and marketing in Australia and the Asian region. The report highlights…
A Good Health Report Card for the Australian Petroleum Industry



The Australian Institute of Petroleum (AIP) and its member companies welcome the very encouraging results of the industry's 16th Health Watch Report released today by Monash University, and the Study’s final analysis after more than 40 years of operation and detailed health investigation. …
AIP Media Statement - Petrol Colour Change



The Australian Institute of Petroleum (AIP) in conjunction with petrol manufacturing and importing member companies have agreed to amend the colour range specification of all unleaded petrol grades (excluding Low Aromatic Fuel used in regulated communities) through the removal of dye.  This…
Supply Reliability



AIP has produced a new publication – Maintaining Supply Security and Reliability for Liquid Fuels in Australia – which provides a factual overview of the liquid fuels market and supply chain in Australia. It also details the key factors influencing the secure and reliable supply of liquid fuels to…



The NOSEC is a committee of the Ministerial Council on Energy (MCE) and provides the main executive channel through which Commonwealth and State Governments formulate their overall management response to a national liquid fuel emergency. The task of the NOSEC is to ensure that the Federal…
Catalyst fact sheet



In 2008, the Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism (DRET), on behalf of NOSEC, undertook a Liquid Fuel Emergency Simulation Exercise – 'Catalyst 2008'. The aim of 'Catalyst 2008' was to test the emergency preparedness of the Commonwealth State and Territory Governments and industry to manage…



AIP has produced a set of basic facts on biofuels in Australia to inform consumers, commentators and other interested parties. AIP has consistently stated that there is a sustainable role for biofuels in the Australian fuels market provided biofuels are competitively priced, have a reliable supply…
Oil Supply Emergencies and the IEA Response System



The International Energy Agency (IEA) is the energy forum for 28 industrialised countries, founded in 1974 (see IEA member country governments are committed to taking joint measures to meet oil supply emergencies. They also have agreed to share energy information,…



Petroleum is a complex mixture of organic liquids called crude oil and natural gas, which occurs naturally in the ground and was formed millions of years ago. Crude oil varies from oilfield to oilfield in colour and composition, from a pale yellow low viscosity liquid to heavy black 'treacle'…