Emissions Trading Task Group report provides a platform for responding to the climate change challenge

Emissions Trading Task Group report provides a platform for responding to the climate change challenge

Publication date
01 Jun 2007
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The Executive Director of AIP, Dr John Tilley said "the release of the report by the Prime Minister's Emissions Trading Task Group provides a considered basis for the Australian community to increase its efforts to respond to the climate change challenge. This report outlines a clear set of principles for future action. It also identifies a number of important issues that will require further consideration by government and industry to ensure efficient and practical implementation."

The downstream petroleum industry made comprehensive submissions to the Task Group on how an integrated global emissions trading scheme might work, as well as the key features for an Australian emissions trading scheme. "AIP member companies will be carefully studying the Task Group report to fully understand the industry impacts of the advice that has been provided to the Prime Minister", Dr Tilley said.

AIP member companies already have programs in their Australian operations to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. AIP member companies are also very significant contributors to national and international programs to develop and market low emissions energy supplies and technologies.

"The Australian downstream petroleum sector stands willing to play its part in greenhouse gas emissions abatement", said Dr Tilley. "The industry is also keen to work with government to ensure that the most efficient and effective climate change policies are developed and implemented."

"A key issue for AIP member companies will be maintaining the competitiveness of the refining industry in Australia as this will underpin our ability to compete against large scale refineries in Asia", Dr Tilley said.

Media Contact:      
Dr John Tilley
Executive Director, AIP
(02) 6247 3044