
A Good Health Report Card for the Australian Petroleum Industry



The Australian Institute of Petroleum (AIP) and its member companies welcome the very encouraging results of the industry's 16th Health Watch Report released today by Monash University, and the Study’s final analysis after more than 40 years of operation and detailed health investigation. …
At a Glance How are Petrol Prices Determined in Australia



Fuel prices around the world are largely determined by regional markets and the benchmark prices and government taxes applying in those markets.
AIP Media Statement - Petrol Colour Change



The Australian Institute of Petroleum (AIP) in conjunction with petrol manufacturing and importing member companies have agreed to amend the colour range specification of all unleaded petrol grades (excluding Low Aromatic Fuel used in regulated communities) through the removal of dye.  This…



Dr John Tilley, Executive Director of the Australian Institute of Petroleum, told the 2005 International Ethanol Conference in Brisbane today that AIP members see a role for ethanol as a fuel extender, replacing some fuel imports and helping to meet the growth in overall fuel demand, as well as a…



Three of Australia's peak automotive industry and consumer bodies have urged the federal government to support a maximum limit of10 percent of ethanol in petrol and not to mandate its use. The landmark determination by the three bodies sets a clear agenda for government deliberations. The…



The oil industry today supported the announcement by the Federal Minister for the Environment Robert Hill that leaded petrol would be phased out nationally by 1 January 2002. 'The oil companies will be introducing lead replacement petrol progressively in each State, in consultation with State…