
Oil Supply Emergencies and the IEA Response System



The International Energy Agency (IEA) is the energy forum for 28 industrialised countries, founded in 1974 (see IEA member country governments are committed to taking joint measures to meet oil supply emergencies. They also have agreed to share energy information,…
Maintaining Supply Security and Reliability for Liquid Fuels in Australia



An AIP publication which provides a factual overview of the liquid fuels market and supply chain in Australia. It also details the key factors influencing the secure and reliable supply of liquid fuels to industry, business and consumers and explains why Australia is in a strong position to…



The oil industry today supported the announcement by the Federal Minister for the Environment Robert Hill that leaded petrol would be phased out nationally by 1 January 2002. 'The oil companies will be introducing lead replacement petrol progressively in each State, in consultation with State…



The Australian Institute of Petroleum has welcomed the Federal Government's decision to crack down on illicit fuel blending activities, but has urged wider reform to stop the problem re-occurring in the future. "Today's announcement by the Assistant Treasurer, Senator Rod Kemp, that the…



The Australian Institute of Petroleum today called on the Australian Automobile Association to support measures to combat the current fuel substitution racket. AIP Executive Director, Mr Jim Starkey, said the Australian Automobile Association's opposition to excise uniformity on petroleum…



The oil industry today urged Federal and State Governments to introduce measures to end once and for all fuel substitution practices. The call follows exposure of the latest racket, which involves unscrupulous operators blending the solvent toluene into petrol, so as to evade payment of…