
AIP Submission - EWP Issues Paper



Through submissions to review processes, AIP aims to inform the community about the downstream petroleum industry, and its significance to the national economy, by making available comprehensive factual information and data about the industry and its performance over time. AIP material also…
Submission to Department of Resources, Energy & Tourism - Consultation on the Public Discussion Paper



Through submissions to review processes, AIP aims to inform the community about the downstream petroleum industry, and its significance to the national economy, by making available comprehensive factual information and data about the industry and its performance over time. AIP material also…
Submission to the 2011 Review of the National Industrial Chemicals Notification and Assessment Scheme



Through submissions to review processes, AIP aims to inform the community about the downstream petroleum industry, and its significance to the national economy, by making available comprehensive factual information and data about the industry and its performance over time. AIP material also…
Submission to The Treasury on Exposure Draft of the Competition and Consumer Amendment Bill



Through submissions to review processes, AIP aims to inform the community about the downstream petroleum industry, and its significance to the national economy, by making available comprehensive factual information and data about the industry and its performance over time. AIP material also…



The Australian Institute of Petroleum (AIP) welcomes the release of the Federal Government's Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme (CPRS) White Paper which addresses many of the issues raised by industry concerning the overall detailed design of the CPRS. In particular, the White Paper reflects a more…
Submission to the Garnaut Inquiry - Emissions Trading Scheme Design



Through submissions to review processes, AIP aims to inform the community about the downstream petroleum industry, and its significance to the national economy, by making available comprehensive factual information and data about the industry and its performance over time. AIP material also…



The Executive Director of AIP, Dr John Tilley said "the release of the report by the Prime Minister's Emissions Trading Task Group provides a considered basis for the Australian community to increase its efforts to respond to the climate change challenge. This report outlines a clear set of…
Submission on Greenhouse & Energy Reporting



Through submissions to review processes, AIP aims to inform the community about the downstream petroleum industry, and its significance to the national economy, by making available comprehensive factual information and data about the industry and its performance over time. AIP material also…



The Australian Institute of Petroleum today welcomed delegates to Spillcon 2004, the premier Marine Oil Spill Response conference in the Southern Hemisphere. The conference is sponsored by the Australian Marine Oil Spill Centre (AMOSC) and the Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA). In…



The Australian Institute of Petroleum (AIP) said today that new quality standards for petrol and diesel, announced by the Minister for the Environment and Heritage, Senator the Hon Ian Campbell, will improve urban air quality. AIP Executive Director, Dr John Tilley said, "AIP members support the…