
 AIP Response to CPRS Green Paper



AIP and its member companies actively participate in public consultation processes on climate change. For example, AIP and its member companies are participating in the process of public consultation on national climate change policy development, including on the range of issues associated with…
Diesel Fuel and Back-up Generation Issue



Fuels Reports


This paper has been developed by the Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism in consultation with NOSEC, the Energy Infrastructure Assurance Advisory Group (EIAAG) and AIP. The paper provides information and general advice on the issues organisations should be aware of to ensure that back-up…
Maintaining Supply Security and Reliability for Liquid Fuels in Australia



An AIP publication which provides a factual overview of the liquid fuels market and supply chain in Australia. It also details the key factors influencing the secure and reliable supply of liquid fuels to industry, business and consumers and explains why Australia is in a strong position to…
Submission to Victorian Parliament Inquiry into Fuel Prices in Regional Victoria



Through submissions to review processes, AIP aims to inform the community about the downstream petroleum industry, and its significance to the national economy, by making available comprehensive factual information and data about the industry and its performance over time. AIP material also…
Submission on the 2017 Review of Climate Change Policies



Through submissions to review processes, AIP aims to inform the community about the downstream petroleum industry, and its significance to the national economy, by making available comprehensive factual information and data about the industry and its performance over time. AIP material also…
Better Fuels Submission



Through submissions to review processes, AIP aims to inform the community about the downstream petroleum industry, and its significance to the national economy, by making available comprehensive factual information and data about the industry and its performance over time. AIP material also…
Submission on the NSW Biofuels Regulatory Impact Statement



Through submissions to review processes, AIP aims to inform the community about the downstream petroleum industry, and its significance to the national economy, by making available comprehensive factual information and data about the industry and its performance over time. AIP material also…
Submission to the Vehicle Emissions Working Group on the Vehicle Emissions Discussion Paper



Through submissions to review processes, AIP aims to inform the community about the downstream petroleum industry, and its significance to the national economy, by making available comprehensive factual information and data about the industry and its performance over time. AIP material also…
Submission to the Queensland Parliament Utilities, Science and Innovation Committee on the Liquid Fuel Supply (Ethanol and other Biofuels Mandate) Amendment Bill 2015



Through submissions to review processes, AIP aims to inform the community about the downstream petroleum industry, and its significance to the national economy, by making available comprehensive factual information and data about the industry and its performance over time. AIP material also…
Submission to the Tax White Paper Taskforce – Tax Discussion Paper



Through submissions to review processes, AIP aims to inform the community about the downstream petroleum industry, and its significance to the national economy, by making available comprehensive factual information and data about the industry and its performance over time. AIP material also…