


AIP member companies provide very reliable supplies of fuel to the Australian market and: represent around 90% of primary fuel supply to the Australian market,  have decades of operational experience in Australia and Asia delivering high quality fuel to customers,  have major…



Subsidising domestic alternative fuel production is not necessary for energy security The reliable supply of conventional transport fuels (petrol, diesel and jet fuel) to the Australian market is underpinned by a diversity of supply options for petroleum products from domestic refiners and…



The Federal Government has introduced regulation of the quality of petrol and diesel fuel in Australia. The principal drivers of the fuel quality regulation are environmental. The adoption of emerging vehicle engine and emission control technologies is a key strategy in the management of ambient…
The colour of australian unleaded petrol is changing



The Australian Institute of Petroleum (AIP) in conjunction with petrol manufacturing and importing member companies have decided to remove dye from unleaded petrol and E10 (regular unleaded petrol with 10% ethanol added). This change will not have any impact on the fuel’s performance or on…



The Australian Institute of Petroleum (AIP) advises that petrol manufacturing and importing member companies are currently in the process of changing the industry controlled standard colour (dye) of unleaded petrol (i.e. 91 Research Octane Number grade) from Purple/Bronze to Red/Orange. This colour…



The Australian Institute of Petroleum (AIP) and its member companies welcome the introduction of legislation into the Australian Parliament by Ian Macfarlane, Minister for Industry, Tourism and Resources to implement retail petroleum market reform. The Australian petroleum market will continue…



Dr John Tilley, Executive Director of the Australian Institute of Petroleum, told the 2005 International Ethanol Conference in Brisbane today that AIP members see a role for ethanol as a fuel extender, replacing some fuel imports and helping to meet the growth in overall fuel demand, as well as a…



The Australian Institute of Petroleum (AIP) said today that new quality standards for petrol and diesel, announced by the Minister for the Environment and Heritage, Senator the Hon Ian Campbell, will improve urban air quality. AIP Executive Director, Dr John Tilley said, "AIP members support the…



Cleaner Diesel Fuel All Australians now have access to a cleaner, low sulfur diesel fuel. Under the National Fuel Standards, introduced by the Commonwealth Government at the start of 2002, a mandatory program has been established for progressive introduction of cleaner diesel and petrol.…



Three of Australia's peak automotive industry and consumer bodies have urged the federal government to support a maximum limit of10 percent of ethanol in petrol and not to mandate its use. The landmark determination by the three bodies sets a clear agenda for government deliberations. The…