


Australia has robust emergency response plans and arrangements Industry and governments fully recognise the potential impacts of a severe national shortage of fuel supplies to business and consumers. Australia has robust response plans for managing a national liquid fuel emergency, which…



All fuel users need to analyse and understand their own fuel use and to consider how best to manage the potential impacts of reduced fuel supply Many larger fuel users only hold limited stocks on the expectation that stocks will be held by fuel suppliers, or indeed governments will intervene…



Transport fuel imports do not increase risk for supply reliability and security A diversity of global supply sources and local import facilities provide a range of options for Australia. Australia is already dependent on imports to meet the growth in demand for transport fuels (eg. demand…
Report into Australia's Maritime Petroleum Supply Chain



In 2013, Hale and Twomey was engaged by the Federal Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism (DRET) to examine and report on the maritime supply chain and the key role it plays in Australia's petroleum supply chain. The report considers how the maritime supply chain operates for Australia and…



Liquid Fuel Supply Security and Reliability The Australian liquid fuel supply chain has considerable span and diversity. It includes crude and petroleum product shipments into and around Australia, refinery throughput, bulk fuel storage tanks, extensive terminal and distribution networks, over…



The Federal Government has introduced regulation of the quality of petrol and diesel fuel in Australia. The principal drivers of the fuel quality regulation are environmental. The adoption of emerging vehicle engine and emission control technologies is a key strategy in the management of ambient…
ACCC Formal Price Monitoring Report (December 2014) – Seventh Report



The ACCC releases its Formal Monitoring Reports each year ('Monitoring of the Australian petroleum industry-report of the ACCC into the prices, costs and profits of unleaded petrol in Australia').



AIP and its member companies welcome the very encouraging results of the industry's 14th Health Watch Report released today by Monash University. Overall, the Study clearly shows that petroleum industry employees have better health than the general Australian community and are less…



2 December 2013 AIP and its member companies welcome the very encouraging results of the industry's 14th Health Watch Report released today by Monash University. Overall, the Study clearly shows that petroleum industry employees have better health than the general Australian community and are…
ACCC Formal Price Monitoring Report (December 2013) – Sixth Report



The ACCC releases its Formal Monitoring Reports each year ('Monitoring of the Australian petroleum industry-report of the ACCC into the prices, costs and profits of unleaded petrol in Australia').