
AIP Submission - Draft RIS Better Fuel - Final 080318



Through submissions to review processes, AIP aims to inform the community about the downstream petroleum industry, and its significance to the national economy, by making available comprehensive factual information and data about the industry and its performance over time. AIP material also…
2018 08 10 AIP Submission NPI Review



Through submissions to review processes, AIP aims to inform the community about the downstream petroleum industry, and its significance to the national economy, by making available comprehensive factual information and data about the industry and its performance over time. AIP material also…
AIP Submission - LFE Act Instruments Review - Final



Through submissions to review processes, AIP aims to inform the community about the downstream petroleum industry, and its significance to the national economy, by making available comprehensive factual information and data about the industry and its performance over time. AIP material also…
At A Glance LPG Trends



Shifting consumer preferences, as well as economic and policy changes, have seen the demand for LPG powered vehicles and LPG fuel decline sharply in recent years.
At a Glance: Australian Oil Refineries



Australian oil refineries make a significant contribution to the economy and local communities, and support our key export industries and supply security. They play a major role in Australia’s fuel supply chain, producing around half of the transport fuels needed every day.
At a Glance: AIP's Role in the Downstream Petroleum Industry



The Australian Institute of Petroleum (AIP) was formed in 1976 to promote industry self-regulation and an effective dialogue between the oil industry, government and the community. It replaced a number of other organisations including the Petroleum Information Bureau that had been operating in…
At a Glance: Australian Refineries Support Better Fuels



Australian refineries have long supported orderly transitions to better fuel standards where a community benefit has been demonstrated in terms of health and environmental outcomes, and where the cost impacts on refineries and consumers can be effectively managed.



There is an extensive range of Federal, State/Territory and Local government regulations and legislation applying to refineries and businesses operating in the downstream petroleum industry. Some of the key regulations are outlined below. Formal Price Monitoring On 17 December 2007, under…



AIP member companies provide very reliable supplies of fuel to the Australian market and: represent around 90% of primary fuel supply to the Australian market,  have decades of operational experience in Australia and Asia delivering high quality fuel to customers,  have major…



Relying on shipping (for imports) does not increase security risks, and shipping lanes are not easily disrupted. Most countries are reliant on movements of petroleum (crude and product) within and between countries, and particularly so for Australia (in both an export and import sense).…