
Media Release - Health Watch 15th Report , 2018 - 15th Health Watch Report



The Australian Institute of Petroleum (AIP) and its member companies welcome the very encouraging results of the industry's 15th Health Watch Report released today by Monash University.  Overall, the independent Health Watch Study clearly shows that petroleum industry employees have better…
Facts About Petrol Prices



The price of petrol in Australia is dependent on world market prices Crude oil, petrol and diesel are bought and sold in their own markets. Each market is regionally based and there are linkages and transactions between regional markets. Prices in regional markets reflect the supply and…
Supply Reliability



AIP has produced a new publication – Maintaining Supply Security and Reliability for Liquid Fuels in Australia – which provides a factual overview of the liquid fuels market and supply chain in Australia. It also details the key factors influencing the secure and reliable supply of liquid fuels to…



The NOSEC is a committee of the Ministerial Council on Energy (MCE) and provides the main executive channel through which Commonwealth and State Governments formulate their overall management response to a national liquid fuel emergency. The task of the NOSEC is to ensure that the Federal…



There is an extensive range of Federal, State/Territory and Local government regulations and legislation applying to refineries and businesses operating in the downstream petroleum industry. Some of the key regulations are outlined below. Formal Price Monitoring On 17 December 2007, under…



AIP member companies provide very reliable supplies of fuel to the Australian market and: represent around 90% of primary fuel supply to the Australian market,  have decades of operational experience in Australia and Asia delivering high quality fuel to customers,  have major…
Liquid fuels vulnerability assessment , Liquid fuels vulnerability assessment



In 2009 and 2011, ACIL Tasman was engaged by the Federal Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism (DRET) to examine Australia's current level of liquid fuel vulnerability and significant trends which may affect this over the short, medium and longer term. The Liquid Fuel Vulnerability…
National Energy Security Assessment , National Energy Security Assessment



The NESA identifies the current strategic energy security issues in the liquid fuels, natural gas and electricity sectors, and those posing a potential risk in short term, medium term and longer term. The Government has indicated that the NESA will provide a key input into the development of future…



Petroleum is a complex mixture of organic liquids called crude oil and natural gas, which occurs naturally in the ground and was formed millions of years ago. Crude oil varies from oilfield to oilfield in colour and composition, from a pale yellow low viscosity liquid to heavy black 'treacle'…
Maintaining Supply Security and Reliability for Liquid Fuels in Australia



An AIP publication which provides a factual overview of the liquid fuels market and supply chain in Australia. It also details the key factors influencing the secure and reliable supply of liquid fuels to industry, business and consumers and explains why Australia is in a strong position to…